The Look and Etc.The Akizuki saving Kakunojou scene in episode 2 made me squeal out loud. That was a historical moment not only because that was the first time I squealed for this show but also because I generally don't squeal for anime period. The exact cell that made me squeal, as most people can guess, is this:
In short, that cell made me the extremely faithful supporter of Kakunojou/Akizuki that I am today.
From episode 2 thoughts, Wao said, "But you know, the first thing that jumped at me was... why WERE they so close in the first place? Why was he even looking at her when blocking Hario's attack? Ah, but anything's allowed for the name of coolness I suppose..."
I was thinking exactly the same thing, and I am sure lots of us were. It's because of this fascination that I rewatched the scene and subsequently realized Akizuki's left arm seems to be missing for a good part of that scene.
So, I decided to watch the scene cell by cell and this is what I found out:
Akizuki's hand was on Kakunojou's left shoulder in the end, but the cells are not conclusive as to where his hand was before he grabbed her shoulder.
Below are screenshots that depict my speculations of what happened there:
Akizuki's left hand is no where to be seen, but base on the shadow on his cloak it's possible his hand is in this position:
This would explain why their faces ended up so close to each other.
Although... that can simply be because Akizuki wants to make girls swoon (sorry i can't help but show this screenshot again)...
We actually don't see Akizuki's hand on Kakunojou's shoulder in the beginning...
But his position did change a moment later, we can clearly see his hand is now on her shoulder in this screen:
And this:
I imagine, Akizuki being Akizuki, simply finished steadying her and then stepped away.
But nevertheless, in my heart this is still consider a rather romantic scene.