IBARAGI Soutetsu 茨木蒼鉄

(Affiliation: ? – Troupe)

First appearance: Ep 1

The mysterious playwright of the troupe, of unknown age. Has certain political interests.

Voiced by
INOUE Kazuhiko.

Soutetsu has a sharp mind, with which he cunningly writes scripts that have both political elements, and hints of Kakunojou’s past weaved in. He also crafts strategies for the troupe and plans their performances, such as directing them to go to Yokohama and arranging for a performance at Sekkakurou. Additionally, he is also skilled with the sword.

His intellect earns him the firm trust of the troupe, who respectfully address him as sensei, although he does not stick with them all the time, preferring to sit in his room while they are out advertising themselves.

Underneath Soutetsu’s silent and calm personality, however, is a burning ambition that he shows to nobody. Perhaps he is writing the script for much more than mere kabuki plays... In episode one, he stole a letter, that Katsu Kaishuu was sending to Saigou Takamori as part of an ongoing negotiation process. He must also know quite a bit behind the political scene as he could pinpoint that Hario would be in Yokohama. Could he be interested in the Conqueror's Head?

He seems not to be against Western influence as he is seen wearing Western clothing in the OP and in episode one.

here for more information (Spoilers for ep 5 and 7)

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