KATSU Kaishuu 勝海舟
Other names: Awa-no-kami 安房守 (honorary title – Protector of Awa Province) Katsu Awa 勝安房, Katsu Yoshikuni勝義邦, Katsu Yasuyoshi 勝安芳

(Affiliation: Technically Tokugawa, but really just wants peace.)

First appearance: Ep 1
Katsu Kaishuu was a real historical figure of the Bakumatsu. His depiction in the anime is similar to his figure in real life. You may like to refer to both to get a more complete picture of him.

Voiced by KASHII Shouto.

Katsu is primarily an intermediate between the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Imperial Forces. To prevent the destruction of Edo, he wrote a letter in episode one, sent through Yamaoka Tesshuu and Masumitsu Kyuunosuke to the one of the Imperial Forces leaders, Saigou Takamori. (Please click on the “letter” link to find out more about it.)

He has connections on both sides due to his open-mindedness. Despite being a navy officer for the Tokugawa army, he used to be the mentor and close associate of Sakamoto Ryoma (who attempted to kill him at first). Furthermore, Masumitsu isn't even pro-Tokugawa but worked briefly under Katsu anyway.

We first see Katsu in Yokohama incognito, presumably to meet up with other important people. While he’s there, he conducts his meetings within the Sekkakurou, but also greatly enjoys Kotoha’s company there, with whom he likes to sings dodoitsu.

He has a laidback sort of personality, speaking in a fairly casual manner.

Kanna is later assigned as his bodyguard by H.S. Parkes, the British consul who seems supportive of his negotiation efforts, but also directs certain somewhat brash actions that cause Katsu to be cautious of him.

What is to become of this character? A lot...

Click here to find out more (episode 7-10 spoilers).

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