Koma no Shouten-sama 高麗の聖天様
Also known as plain ol' Shouten-sama

(Affiliation: Neutral)

First appearance: Ep 3
The high priest of Koma, Akizuki's village.

Voiced by YAGI Kousei.

A wise and sagely old man of short stature, Shouten-sama is one of the highest figures in the village and is deeply respected by everyone. He was the one who entrusted Akizuki with the duty of finding and eliminating the Conqueror's Head, and provides him with guidance in this area.

Of course, he is quite familiar with the workings of the Head and related objects like the Sword of Moon Tears, and the vessel for carrying the Head (that Soutetsu got a replica of).

As you can see, he is quite the lover of food and likes to pick on Shinza's cooking (or rather, Shinza in general...)

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TATEWAKI Shinzaemon 帯刀新佐衛門
Also known as: Shinza

(Affiliation: Neutral)

First appearance: Ep 3
Akizuki's mentor at Koma

Voiced by MATSUMOTO Dai.

Shinza, as he is referred to in the show, is Akizuki's mentor living in the village of Koma. He reverently serves Shouten-sama with whom he lives an austere and simple life, taking on all household chores. Shinza is also the assistant instructor for the school of swordsmanship known as Kaitenranshin-ryuu (海空藍真流).

Unfortunately, he sucks at fighting compared to Soutetsu. This is a fact.

By the way, those are not dog ears in his picture, they're his long sideburns. Consider the fact that Shouten-sama has similarly long sideburns and Akizuki seems to like leaving his hanging too...

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