wao's kill list.
The page in which wao turns into a very dangerous fangirl who is obsessed, self-important, obnoxious and biased to the point of wanting to kill certain characters off for the most cold and vicious reasons. You might look at her very differently after reading this... don't worry, she won't kill you... yet. Don't take any of the following seriously, of course. ************Warning: Bloody long page full of rubbish ahead. As usual. In an anime like this, which I think we can all say is unafraid of using archetypes and cliches, there are certain patterns which you can come to expect. And one of those patterns obviously would deal with.... THE DEATH OF CHARACTERS. There must be some characters who must die, of course. You've got to have death or you're not going to get enough And come on, we've got an epic story revolving around a revolutionary period and a Nasty Evil Supernatural Object! What, do you expect everyone to stay alive? Of course not. On the other hand, there are also some characters whom *I* personally want to die! Either because they're bloody annoying and intolerable or because it'd provide such wonderful angst, or because it fits perfectly with my own delusional world where the anime goes according to what I want it to. (This is where the "wao goes self-important and obnoxious" part comes in.) Enough of that. Let's cut this short and put up wao's list of people who will, or should, DIE. This is correct as of episode 8. If anyone really dies, it is reflected on this page, not here. But if I find new reasons for someone to die I will put them in here, even if they are spoilers (unless they're really serious). Summary (Click to see my ramblings on each character/group): People who really should kick the !@#$ing bucket -Nakaiya -Hata Meifuu People who should die for the sake of the story! (Very evil section) -Kanna -The troupe (Zagashira, Ebisu) -Soutetsu (weak) Current state of kill list (Spoilers up till the latest episodes) ---------------------- -NAKAIYA! NAKAIYA JUUBEE!! Good god. What an annoyingly cliche villain. Alright, he's not as bad as... as the stupid KOROSU KOROSU KOROSU trio from ep 5-6, but it's a pain having him around for so long! And he deserves ETERNAL HELL FOR TRYING TO CONTROL KATSU WITH THE HEAD. Nobody touches Katsu like that. Ass. You should be killed immediately! -Hata Meifuu (the chanting dude) I deeply respect your ability to endlessly chant, day in day out, without needing to piss or eat or even take a look outside, man. But you suck anyway. And we could have done without your "KUBI GA YOROKONDERU!!" (The Head is delighted!!) theatrics and all... and well, you're a Bad Guy anyway aren't you! Naughty. Doing those things to the Troupe! *waves sword* Die! P.S. Next time you send out bad guys, pls2 maek them moar creatif than the Korosu trio. Okay? Okay. (You can guess I have an issue with those grunts...) ---------- - Kanna Sakyounosuke Watch me get bashed and killed by all the Kanna fangirls... Hey, I find his character design cute too. And his perceived Akizuki-stalking is amusing (plus I'm interested to see his interactions with Kakunojou and, yes, Akizuki). But I think to me it's just plainly obvious that he has to die before the end of the show. Don't ask me why exactly, but he's got that aura. I'll start ticking off a list when the "death flags" (死亡フラグ) appear in the anime as signs that he's going to die. Although he's one of the biggest fangirl baits - and hence is put in a lot of the magazine scans and is even creeping his way into official pics - do bear in mind that he isn't even as important as the seemingly more minor Soutetsu, because Kanna doesn't appear in the ED (Pardon me while I do a juvenile "naananny poopoo" dance.) And the OP? Just another character sucked into that green thing Akizuki's standing on. Pshah. You're getting booted out, prettyboy. And I'll be waiting here for teh angst (and the explosion on the Japanese blogosphere!) when that happens. Let's just see whether you develop enough of a solid character to make me cry when that happens... (Y'all can laugh at me if he ends up alive anyway. Yes, that especially includes you, H-dono!) -The Troupe (excluding Kakunojou and Soutetsu, duh) (Specifically, whom I want to die: Ebisu, and to a lesser extent, Shiranui. Who will die: Zagashira.) Don't I sound like some evil delusional fangirl now? Well, I am. So there. I'm still not sure whether they WILL die in the story - but I won't be surprised in the least bit if they do. To be a little spoilery: the location's going to change from Yokohama to Edo and probably even Hokkaido/Ezo later onwards. The troupe can't possibly be tagging along with Akizuki everywhere? If you use the OP as a gauge then the troupe's not even important enough to appear for more than a few seconds as indistinguishable figures being sucked into some green thing - except, of course, for Kakunojou and Soutetsu. I think we all know it's obvious from the very start that Soutetsu has his own motivations, and is using the troupe as a mere pawn. Not just that, they were performing only because they wanted to exact revenge. When that happens (and it's obvious it must - Nakaiya must die! I insist!) ... and Soutetsu is gone, what is the Troupe going to do? Surely, they must disband. Disband it will be then. But die? This is where it falls purely into the territory of imagination. Remember I said Kakunojou and Soutetsu are the exceptions? I've explained what'll happen to Soutetsu. But Kakunojou must obviously be surviving - and furthermore, I believe she would be on her own (with or against Akizuki). And I'm sure anyone she'd be traveling with would be important enough to appear in the OP... unless they're going to die soon!! Now should the troupe disband, Kakunojou is likely to still travel with Zagashira and Ebisu - they're like family to her. I can also see Shiranui joining in for the ride, though that is less likely. And due to that connection I declare they must all die. (Evil laughter goes here). Sorry folks, but I think you've got to die so that Kakunojou has to fend for herself. Personally I would very much like such a development anyway, which is why I'm hoping they die because then she really has nowhere to go. Additionally, Ebisu is really quite a flimsy character at this point of time. All we've seen are his shallow bursts of anger at his enemies and a bit of pillar-punching here and there. He's really just the claws of the troupe (literally and figuratively) - helping to kill their enemies and sniff them out. Guess what, after Nakaiya I don't think there'll be any use for you anymore unless you develop a character NOW, and I mean NOW. I don't see that happening, though, so bye-bye! You die. And Zagashira? Eh, Zagashira just has another one of those "my life here was well spent... thank you for everything, but it was about time I went..." kind of death vibes just radiating from his presence. I somehow think he's just a good candidate for dying. He could die together with Ebisu maybe... -Ibaragi Soutetsu. Not entirely convinced on this. This is more of a feeling based on my current evaluation of the show's nature (which I will not go on about here). Somehow, I get the feeling that while there will be angst and what not along the way, Soutetsu will die at the very end. I wouldn't mind it if he lived on, but he's already gotten into so much potential danger trying to do what he wants with the Head that I won't be surprised if he ends up dying (either as a Misunderstood Good Guy, a Grey-Area Guy, or a Cool Bad Guy). Ah what the hell, just show us more of him already will you? Return to Fangirl Rants ![]() |
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