NAKAIYA Juubee 中居屋重兵衛

(Affiliation: Evil!!)

First appearance: Ep 1
A very shady merchant who is first seen with the Head. Seems to have all sorts of connections... Based off his real-life counterpart Nakaiya Juubee.

Voiced by KOMURA Tetsuo.

When we first see him in the anime, he is attempting to sell off the Conqueror's Head in a secret auction at the Shanghai Club. He is often seen with the Englishman T. B. Glover, with whom he buys weapons from.

About ten years ago, he is said to have had a disagreement with the Kamon-no-kami Ii Naosuke, and may have been involved in his assassination in 1860, which in history was carried out by warriors from the Mito-han. The real Nakaiya also had a similar disagreement as he had sympathies with the Mito-han.

Nakaiya was a successful merchant even then, and was famous for his luxurious shop in Yokohama called the Bronze Palace (Akagane Goten), which burned down during that point of time. The shop existed in history although it was not burned down.

Like the real Nakaiya, he mysteriously disappeared shortly after the assassination, in 1861, but only in the anime does he come back in evil style, to the surprise of those in the secret auction.

The real nature of his relationship with the Kamon-no-kami is still shrouded in mystery to most, although Soutetsu seems to be in the know...
And after the Troupe starts leaking his secrets through kabuki plays based off Soutetsu's script, he makes an enemy out of them and sends Saiga Magozou, and later the Akki Rasetsu, with the intent of silencing them forever.

For a little more information on him (spoilers ahead!)

Yokohama arc (eps 1-8) || Okita arc (eps 9-10) || Edo arc (eps 11-13)

Cronies under him include:
-Hario Genba
-Saiga Magozou
-The Akki-Rasetsu
-Hata Meifuu
-????? (see spoilers)

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